Saturday, February 3, 2007

Time for a change

So here we go again. Another season of presidential politics. All of the usual suspects have thrown their hats into the ring. The rich, the oppressed, the peoples choice, the darling of Hollywood and the retreads. Unfortunately, not a single one of these future "Presidents" has presented us with anything new. Its the same old "rant". Down with big government, control corporations, lower spending, lower taxes, raise taxes, educate the children, help the poor, impregnate the world with democracy and best of all, "lets do it in the name of god." The same old rhetoric, the same tired ideas, the same old promises. We have a couple of new faces, new names in the ring but they are products of the system, so therefore, although claiming to have a new set of clothes, further review provides us, the numb electorate, with the status quo. Wouldn't it be a novel idea, if one person just came along and said, "I will make the changes and by the way, I'm not concerned about special interests or re-election." Now we all know that this person wouldn't have a chance of winning, but just consider the confusion that would abound. The media would be in a frenzy. All of the talk shows would invite our hero to appear on the panels. The other candidates would state, "This person isn't playing by the rules. Why, you have to run for re-election and you must take money from special interests. That is the way things work". Can you imagine? One person with the heart to stand in front of the country and do something different. If for no other reason than to watch the staus quo catch its breath. Now that would be worth watching. Maybe, if we all stand up and tell our quote, "leaders" that we are not interested in their game anymore, the door will finally open for the real new idea. One person gets to really "do it for the people". Now, yes we all know that this season of rhetoric and posturing is, "for the people". An old idea, that really does need to be dusted off. Now if we can just find that person.