Monday, September 10, 2007

The Status Quo

The music industry reminds one of a dysfunctional child. The producers don't trust each other. The companies don't trust the consumer. The engineers are afraid that someone will steal their ideas. Who would want to? Look at Phil Spector or Kanye West. Losers. Yes, they made lots of money and sold lots of albums. Yet, they are both social pariahs. Then you have the women, or better yet, the girls in women's bodies. Britney Spears and Lindsey Lohan. These are musical stars?? How?? The consumer is fed up. They harken back to the old days which, depending on your age, can range from nearly a century to around 5 years ago. Musicians actually sang and or played their instuments, wrote their songs and performed. Are we not tired of the lip syncing, the strutting by convicted felons, the preaching by persons who have no life experience, yet profess to lead us down the yellow brick road. The Pied Piper is either stoned, drunk, pregnant or just plain ignorant. The music industry is trying to figure out the reason for declining sales. the want to blame it on the Internet and file sharing. How about the fact that the stars have zero talent and are so narcissistic that even the mirrors are worn out?? This industry mirrors the other bloated stars in the world, The US government, Big Business, Big Money Sports, The Movie Industry, Korea, China, Hugo Chavez, etc. Isn't it time to tell them all to take a flying leap, folks. We need to demand quality instead of quantity. After all, when we finally stand up, don't we get that which we pine for?? Haven't we had enough of them all?? Have you noticed that you can take any of the so called stars and place them into any of the positions in any of the above named businesses, art forms or countrys and lo, and behold, nothing changes? So in conclusion, although we love to call these people and businesses idiots or selfish or uninformed, etc., have you looked in the mirror lately? If you do you will see the source of all of our problems. Peace.