Friday, October 3, 2008

The Great American Firesale

So here we are in the aftermath of the political posturing and posing that has captured the imaginations of children and comedians across the face of the planet. Who else would have the tolerance for the "Bailout" of 2008 which is being compared to the "New Deal" of the "Depression" era? New deal, old deal. It is the same old game, folks. The politicians have found yet, another way to line the pockets of the "haves" from the pockets of the "have nots." Ah, but don't complain for they are our elected officials. Those who have been chosen to guard the palace gates at all expense and they certainly have. So now you have a new fairytale to pass on to your grandchildren whilst you are tucking them into bed. Remember when you look in the mirror that we are the problem and we can solve the problem. All we have to do is take responsibility for our "leaders." Oh and by the way, remind them that it says, "For the people, by the people", not "For the king, by the king."

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Now is the Time
Mother Earth. Spaceship Earth. Third Rock From the Sun. We all have various descriptions of the planet that we live on. The current description might include the word "mess", as in the state of the planet these days. One wonders how much abuse this planet can take before it just says,"I have had enough". Now we all know that this will not be a verbal action but one that involves Mother Nature and the Universe. Certainly the forces that have shaped our existence have an awareness concerning the here and now. One has only to look around if one questions or doubts that there is a force that can create a consequence for the complete inability that we as a species have demonstrated in our appointed role as the caretaker of this planet and the other species that co-exist with us. The politicians and the scientists have demonstrated poor judgement in their roles as deciders of what is created on this planet from this planet. The time has come for the common man to step up and demonstrate the strength and intelligence that is innate in those of us who love the outdoors, the ocean, the sky and the animals. We need to take control from those that we have appointed as leaders and deciders. They have done poorly. Now is the time.

Monday, September 10, 2007

The Status Quo

The music industry reminds one of a dysfunctional child. The producers don't trust each other. The companies don't trust the consumer. The engineers are afraid that someone will steal their ideas. Who would want to? Look at Phil Spector or Kanye West. Losers. Yes, they made lots of money and sold lots of albums. Yet, they are both social pariahs. Then you have the women, or better yet, the girls in women's bodies. Britney Spears and Lindsey Lohan. These are musical stars?? How?? The consumer is fed up. They harken back to the old days which, depending on your age, can range from nearly a century to around 5 years ago. Musicians actually sang and or played their instuments, wrote their songs and performed. Are we not tired of the lip syncing, the strutting by convicted felons, the preaching by persons who have no life experience, yet profess to lead us down the yellow brick road. The Pied Piper is either stoned, drunk, pregnant or just plain ignorant. The music industry is trying to figure out the reason for declining sales. the want to blame it on the Internet and file sharing. How about the fact that the stars have zero talent and are so narcissistic that even the mirrors are worn out?? This industry mirrors the other bloated stars in the world, The US government, Big Business, Big Money Sports, The Movie Industry, Korea, China, Hugo Chavez, etc. Isn't it time to tell them all to take a flying leap, folks. We need to demand quality instead of quantity. After all, when we finally stand up, don't we get that which we pine for?? Haven't we had enough of them all?? Have you noticed that you can take any of the so called stars and place them into any of the positions in any of the above named businesses, art forms or countrys and lo, and behold, nothing changes? So in conclusion, although we love to call these people and businesses idiots or selfish or uninformed, etc., have you looked in the mirror lately? If you do you will see the source of all of our problems. Peace.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

A thought

Well, we are now in the midst of a meltdown in the mortgage industry, brought on by those good old American staples, greed and fraud. Funny, with all of the finger pointing , one forgets that Congress and the Fed signed off on those loans so that the investors could make lots of money on the backs of all of those credit challenged people. This can be fixed. The government, while they are fighting a meaningless war and thinking about the draft again, could simply present a very low interest loan that all of the affected people would have access to for a limited time. Say six months. Let them refinance, regardless of credit or home value. The obvious benefits are the slowing down of the foreclosures and saving peoples credit ratings. Might help the economy. You know the one that is moving forward at such speed and benefiting all persons. Just a thought. Something that our leaders have yet to produce.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

The posts to this site have been sporadic at best. Reason being, the lack of new items of interest to the author. We seem to be on a continual merry-go-round in this country, what with the political situation, health care and the economy. I cannot believe that we are still as naive as we are. We are still listening to the politicos spew out the same old drivel. My concern is that the youth of our great state have not, will not and don't want to question the whole convoluted mess. Nor for that matter, does anyone else. Why????? Have we become so apathetic as to not even question one simple issue in our lives???? How about the price of gas? Lets just question that phenomenon. Just for laughs.

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Time for a change

So here we go again. Another season of presidential politics. All of the usual suspects have thrown their hats into the ring. The rich, the oppressed, the peoples choice, the darling of Hollywood and the retreads. Unfortunately, not a single one of these future "Presidents" has presented us with anything new. Its the same old "rant". Down with big government, control corporations, lower spending, lower taxes, raise taxes, educate the children, help the poor, impregnate the world with democracy and best of all, "lets do it in the name of god." The same old rhetoric, the same tired ideas, the same old promises. We have a couple of new faces, new names in the ring but they are products of the system, so therefore, although claiming to have a new set of clothes, further review provides us, the numb electorate, with the status quo. Wouldn't it be a novel idea, if one person just came along and said, "I will make the changes and by the way, I'm not concerned about special interests or re-election." Now we all know that this person wouldn't have a chance of winning, but just consider the confusion that would abound. The media would be in a frenzy. All of the talk shows would invite our hero to appear on the panels. The other candidates would state, "This person isn't playing by the rules. Why, you have to run for re-election and you must take money from special interests. That is the way things work". Can you imagine? One person with the heart to stand in front of the country and do something different. If for no other reason than to watch the staus quo catch its breath. Now that would be worth watching. Maybe, if we all stand up and tell our quote, "leaders" that we are not interested in their game anymore, the door will finally open for the real new idea. One person gets to really "do it for the people". Now, yes we all know that this season of rhetoric and posturing is, "for the people". An old idea, that really does need to be dusted off. Now if we can just find that person.

Monday, January 15, 2007

A new beginning

I am currently sitting in my office thinking about some of the events of the day and the comments that I would like to send out to the rest of the world. The news was as it has been. Nothing new. Nothing earth shattering. The politicians are still posturing, the military is still complaining. The schools are performing status quo. The law is still losing. And people are still confused. I have decided that since, from my point of view, no one has come up with any answers to any of the issues at hand that I will raise my hand and volunteer for the position. "What position", you say?? The position of "Common Sense and Logic". The job is open and I am applying. "This guy is nuts and is displaying quite an ego", you say. Perhaps, but you might be surprised at the words and ideas that will appear at this location. Stay tuned.